2-Week Wednesday Study

2-Week Wednesday Study

January 31 | Wednesday Study will resume on January 31, 2024. For two weeks we will reflect on the Theology of Atonement with two readings from the book: Saving Paradise, How Christianity Traded Love of this Word for Crucifixion and Empire by Rita Hakashima Brock and...
RMMO Offering 2024

RMMO Offering 2024

January 28 | Each January we remember those special servants of our American Baptist Church Family, whether ministers or missionaries, with a small love gift of appreication.  By taking this special offerin we give what we can to those who dedicated themselves to the...
OWLS February 2024

OWLS February 2024

February 2024 Schedule | Each month our OWLS program (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) meet in the church for chair exercise, a meal, and a program.  Beginning at 11:30 AM with chair exercise led by a certified instructor, followed by a meal and program at 12:15 PM, we...
Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

January 21, 2023 | Following worship on Sunday, January 21, the First Baptist Church and Society of Rochester, New York will hold its Annual Congregational Meeting.  On the agenda will be the congregations modification’s to our pastoral assistant positions as...