Pageant 2024

Pageant 2024

Children-led Worship with Pageant Join us on Sunday, December 8 as our children will lead us in worship and present to the congregation the Pageant:  A Very Mixed-Up Christmas...
Post-Pageant Pizza Party

Post-Pageant Pizza Party

Sign up by end of day today! December 7 | We will have a pizza party following worship and the pageant on Sunday, December 8.  Please sign up for pizza so we can make sure we have enough for everyone who will attend.  The pizza will be served in Hubbell Hall during...


Remembrance Poinsettias We are taking your orders for poinsettias in memory or honor of someone special in your life.  They will also help us brighten the sanctuary with color for the holidays.  Please place your information in the order form below and hit submit to...
Giving Tree

Giving Tree

Giving Tree The Giving Tree will be placed on November 24 during the Hanging of the Greens. To decorate the tree, please remember to give generously your gifts of hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for the children of Cameron Community Ministries (preschool through...


Sign up today  |  Harvest Meal  |  Following worship 11/17 We hope you will join us for a special Harvest Meal prepared and hosted by the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors).  Please sign up so that they know how much food to prepare and how many place settings to set...