Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Sunday, December 24 |  ONE SERVICE | 4 PM |   No morning worship on December 24. First Rochester will hold a single service on Christmas Eve at 4:00 PM. It will be a full service with wonderful and varied music, the Christmas story, children’s story,...
Bach Cantata

Bach Cantata

Sunday, December 17 |  Cantata During Worship  |   On Sunday, December 17 at 10 AM, please join us for a special Cantata celebration during Sunday service. Music director Henry Griffin will be leading the First Rochester Choir along with vocal and instrumental...
Poinsettia Dedication

Poinsettia Dedication

Taking orders |  Deadline: Monday, December 11 at noon  |   We are currently taking your orders for poinsettias to give in memory of or in honor of someone special in your life.  The plants are $15 each and are red. We will place them in the sanctuary for Cantata...
Children’s Pageant

Children’s Pageant

December 10  |  During Worship |   We hope you will join us for this very special service on December 10 as our children we delight us with songs of the season as the present to us their Christmas Pageant.  Worship begins at 10 AM....
Giving Tree

Giving Tree

Receiving Gifts Now  |  Deadline: Sunday, December 17  |   As our usual practice, we will be receiving gifts immediately through Sunday, December 17 for Camreon Community Ministries. When you are out and about during this season, please consider purchasing winter...
Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens

Saturday, December 3  |  Following Worship  |   We will be joining together to decorate the church for Advent following worship.  Join us to help or just stay and fellowship with us and enjoy the start of the season.  There will be a Pizza lunch in Hubbell Hall...