If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.

Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.

Event Series Youth Program

Youth Program

All youth grades 6 though 12 should meet in the Youth Room (14) in the Education Wing at 11:15 am every other Sunday for Youth lessons and activities.  This group is led by Chris and Sarah Oaks.

Section Leader Recital

Section Leader and Director Recital, March 23—following worship— with The Beastly and the Beautiful featuring tunes from Beauty and the Beast and other musical theater gems.  

Event Series Zoom Connect

Zoom Connect

Available to anyone who would like a mid-week check in and to chat with others. Anyone is welcome, come when you can.  First Rochester's Zoom Room (Worship Online).

Event Series Wednesday Book Study

Wednesday Book Study

Wednesday, March 19, 26, and April 2—We will read independently and come together to discuss American Christian Nationalism, Neither American Nor Christian by Michael W. Austin.  The discussion will be held on Zoom.

Event Series Children’s Programs

Children’s Programs

Sunday School for K through 5th grade will take place on Sunday mornings from the just after the Children's Time in worship until around 11:15 AM.  From there all of the children will go to the Music Room to hold Children's Choir until noon.