If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.

Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.

Council Meeting Date Change

We will meet on Zoom one week early this month to handle some immediate business at 6:00 PM.

Annual Congregational Meeting

First Baptist Church and Society will hold its Annual Congregational meeting on January 26, 2025, following worship. The items that are required by NYS law to declare in advance for this meeting are: vote on our 2025 Budget vote on recently updated Bylaws votes on the Board of Trustees nominees: Scott McCellan, second 3-year term […]

All-Church Retreat Q&A

All-Church Retreat information sharing during Second Hour. Anyone interested in learning more about our All-Church Retreat at the end of May should gather in the sanctuary after a brief fellowship and break.  

Event Series Youth Program

Youth Program

All youth grades 6 though 12 should meet in the Youth Room (14) in the Education Wing at 11:15 am every other Sunday for Youth lessons and activities.  This group is led by Chris and Sarah Oaks.