Great Day
Join us as we Kick-off our new program year!
If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
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Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.
Join us as we Kick-off our new program year!
Immediately following worship, the Church Council will share information on things they have and will be working.
Immediately following the Church Council Roundtable, we will gather in Hubbell Hall for a potluck lunch. If you are able, please bring a dish to pass. To make our potluck volunteer-lite we are asking the following. Hot Dish: Please bring your dish in a crock pot to keep warm during the service. Place and […]
On the Wednesdays of 9/11, 9/18 & 9/25—We will be “working together to discover who we are now.” At 5:30 PM-Bring your dinner (optional, if you wish to share a meal); 6:00-7:00 PM for an in-person discussion. If you cannot meet every week, we still want to hear your voice so come when you can! […]
Following a short time of fellowship, we will gather back in the sanctuary for a Sunday Forum presented by the Rochester Genesee Region Executive Minister, Rev. Sandra Hasenauer.
Generally, First Rochester Choir will rehearse at 9:15. Children's Choir at 9:35. Both will sing during worship.
Join the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) for their Thursday Program. Start with Silver Sneakers chair exercise with a certified trainer at 11:30 AM; a nutritious meal; followed by a featured program. See the flyer for details below.