If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.
Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.
Sunday School for K through 5th grade will take place on Sunday mornings from the just after the Children's Time in worship until around 11:15 AM. From there all of the children will go to the Music Room to hold Children's Choir until noon.
All youth grades 6 though 12 should meet in the Youth Room (14) in the Education Wing at 11:15 am every other Sunday for Youth lessons and activities. This group is led by Chris and Sarah Oaks.
Join the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) for their Thursday Program. Start with Silver Sneakers chair exercise with a certified trainer at 11:30 AM; a nutritious meal; followed by a featured program. See the flyer for details below.
Each week between 9:30 AM and ~12:00 PM, our nursery will be open for children birth to Pre-K.
Anyone who wishes may join us for a time together as we check-in with others on zoom throughout the year.
Join us October through December on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM, when we will hold a Mid-Week Meditation service in the chapel. There will be readings, repetitive songs, silence, prayer, and mediation. This service enhances a deeper connection with God in a contemplative way. Please come and experience this unique and inspiring worship opportunity.
Join our bell choir for 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings at 7:15 PM to practice ringing in preparations to play during worship on November 24