If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.
Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.
We will hold our second Jazz 'n Jeans event of the program year on Sunday, April 14. We are excited to feature the various talented musicians among us as we feature Jazz, Gospel, and Contemporary music. Music begins at 9:45, dress casually and join us for this special, musical, and uplifting Sunday. We are especially […]
Join the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) for their Thursday Program. Start with Silver Sneakers chair exercise with a certified trainer at 11:30AM; a nutrious meal; followed by a featured program. This month's offering FINDING MAY flyer is below:
Our Worship Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 7 at 1:00 PM on Zoom.
Join the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) for their Thursday Program. Start with Silver Sneakers chair exercise with a certified trainer at 11:30AM; a nutrious meal; followed by a featured program. This month's offering FINDING MAY flyer is below:
Meeting on the Second and Fourth Sunday of the month during second hour, we will discuss topics of the day, planning for the church activities, mission focus options coming up, or the sermon for the day. Each time we meet may be a different thought to explore. Sometime we may continue a discussion started earlier. […]
Join the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) for their Thursday Program. Start with Silver Sneakers chair exercise with a certified trainer at 11:30AM; a nutrious meal; followed by a featured program. This month's offering FINDING MAY flyer is below: