If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.

Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.

Morehouse Glee Choir Field Trip

Join others as we take a field trip to Asbury First. Tickets are $25.  Contact Eliecia if you are interested The world-renowned Morehouse College Glee Club will again fill the Asbury First sanctuary with powerful and expressive choral music on Wednesday, March 12. Doors will open at 6 pm. This fundraising performance is sponsored by the […]

Event Series Missions Meeting

Missions Meeting

Missions Committee meet once a month on the Third Sunday to discuss a variety of Local, Regional, National and World Mission intiatives and projects we may want to tackle as a community.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

Event Series FBCR Book Club

FBCR Book Club

Join us as we gather each month to read and discuss a book. All are welcome. Gathering at 11:30 AM; discussion at noon. Bring your own lunch; beverage is provided.  

Dance Night

Dance Night is coming! Saturday, March 22, join us from 5-7 PM in Hubbell Hall. We will have pizza, bring a snack or dessert to share, and be ready to do some line dancing...fun for all ages!