If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.

Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.

Morehouse Glee Choir Field Trip

Join others as we take a field trip to Asbury First. Tickets are $25.  Contact Eliecia if you are interested The world-renowned Morehouse College Glee Club will again fill the Asbury First sanctuary with powerful and expressive choral music on Wednesday, March 12. Doors will open at 6 pm. This fundraising performance is sponsored by the […]

Event Series Missions Meeting

Missions Meeting

Missions Committee meet once a month on the Third Sunday to discuss a variety of Local, Regional, National and World Mission intiatives and projects we may want to tackle as a community.  Anyone is welcome to attend.

Dance Night

Dance Night is coming! Saturday, March 22, join us from 5-7 PM in Hubbell Hall. We will have pizza, bring a snack or dessert to share, and be ready to do some line dancing...fun for all ages!  

Section Leader Recital

Section Leader and Director Recital, March 23—following worship— with The Beastly and the Beautiful featuring tunes from Beauty and the Beast and other musical theater gems.