If you would like a church event listed on this calendar,
please contact us at office@rochesterfbc.org.

Check out the most up-to-date news and information at Connections.

Event Series Sunday Forum

Sunday Forum

On the First Sunday of the month during the Program Year - October through early June, we will hold an information Sunday Forum following worship and a brief break.

Summer Potluck

Do you love a good potluck as much as we do? Join us for a picnic-inspired one on Sunday, July 28, after worship where we will enjoy eating together and playing some yard games!

Seabreeze Outing

SeaBreeze (Aug 11 following worship) Group rate is $32.50/person - we will collect $ starting mid-July. If you want to attend but have a financial hardship, please speak with Pastor Joanne or Pastor Eliecia.  

Event Series Children’s Programs

Children’s Programs

Our children will begin in worship and depart after Children's Time for Sunday School from around 10:30 am to 11:15 am. The will then sing and play instruments during Children's Choir from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm most Sundays. (Exceptions may be made for various children's or all church events.)

Event Series Community Time

Community Time

Following worship we gather in the Garden Room, adjacent to the sanctuary for a time of coffee, tea, lemondae or other beverage and usually a treat. It is a time to get to know one another better, catch up, and share our lives with one another.

Great Day

Join us as we Kick-off our new program year!

Council Roundtable

Immediately following worship, the Church Council will share information on things they have and will be working.

Church Potluck Lunch

Immediately following the Church Council Roundtable, we will gather in Hubbell Hall for a potluck lunch.  If you are able, please bring a dish to pass.  To make our potluck volunteer-lite we are asking the following. Hot Dish:        Please bring your dish in a crock pot to keep warm during the service.  Place and […]