Our children’s programs begin in worship on Sunday morning with a story or lesson from a Pastor, teacher, or volunteer after which they go to a classroom for a more in-depth bible story, lessons, and activities with our teachers. We are thrilled to also provide music instruction in our second hour for our children, with our Music Director Mr. Henry Griffin. In addition to our Christmas pageant we offer other opportunities for children to lead in worship and participate in our service and mission programs. We enjoy our fun church-wide activities such as line dancing parties, church picnics, and spring clean-up day as we celebrate our intergenerational church family.

Wednesday Study or Service
At Wednesday Study we gather for our small group educational program both in person and online through Zoom. This is an opportunity to study current and biblical themes in more depth and to dialogue with each other about relevant issues on our hearts and minds.
At other times of the year we add a unique and reflective Taizé-style worship service where there are readings, repetitive songs from the Taizé Community, silence, prayer, and mediation. This service enhances a deeper connection with God in a contemplative way. Please come and experience this unique worship opportunity.
We meet in the Chapel, which is to the North of the Sanctuary, through the double doors from 6 to 7 pm.
Sunday Forums
As we are committed to doing justice and serving with kindness, our Sunday Forums (the hour after worship on Sunday Mornings) are often focused on learning more about how to do just that with others in our community. We offer the congregation this opportunity to learn more about the agencies and partners with whom we serve. They are planned to ehance or deepen additional aspects of our adult education program. More information can be found in our weekly bulletin and on our website under news and events.