Welcome to information on the mission and ministry of the our community.
Drive Thru BBQ
SUPPORT BRIGHTON COALITION HABITAT | October 5 | Atonement Lutheran Church, our partner in the Habitat Brighton Coalition, will have a fundraising Drive-thru BBQ Dinner on Saturday, October...
Church Conversations Forum
SUNDAY FORUM | October 6 | October 6, Sunday Forum after Fellowship is a brainstorming session, "How do we want to be known in our community?" Everyone is invited. ...
Sunday Forum with Rev. Hasenauer, RGR/ABC
Sunday Forum | September 29 | Executive Minister Rev. Dr. Sandra Hasenauer will share with us information about the Rochester Genesee Region of the American Baptist Church....
Kick-off Sunday School
September 15 | Following Children's Time | EXCITING NEWS Join us as we kick-off our new program year on September 15. We are excited to announce: the reopening of our nursery with Melina...
Church Council Roundtable
September 15 | Following Worship | After a very short break following worship, we will return to the sanctuary for a Council Roundtable discussion. The Leadership of the church will share...
Welcome Back Potluck
September 15 | Following Council Roundtable | Around noon, we will gather in Hubbell Hall for our Welcome Back to the New Program Year Potluck. With the Church Council Roundtable discussion...
FBCR Book Club September
Tuesday, September 24 | 11:30 AM | Join us in September when we will discuss: Pachinko, an epic historical fiction novel following a Korean family who immigrates to Japan by Min Jin Lee, ....
OWLS September
September 2024 Schedule | Each month our OWLS program (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) meets in the church for chair exercise, a meal, and a program. Beginning at 11:30 AM with chair exercise...
A Night with the Muteyos
July 31 | 5:30 PM | A DINNER will be provided at 5:30 PM (please RSVP) before International Ministries Global Servants and "Peace Warriors" Christina and Lance Muteyo share a presentation...
FBCR Book Club July
Tuesday, July 23 | 11:30 AM | Please note the different day of the week this month! The book reading is Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. Anyone interested in join this group are welcome to...
Daily Dose
A Deeper Connection | Following a recent worship service several individuals met during the Second Hour to discuss the sermon together. We had a lively discussion about what it meant to be...