First Baptist Church of Rochester is striving to be
a faith community
centered in the fully inclusive love of God
overfilling our congregation
and spilling out into the world around.
What It Means To Be A Baptist At FBCR
Ask ten Baptists what it means to be one and you’ll get as many answers (if not more). That’s because Baptist belief grows out of a commitment to the freedom and responsibility of individuals to arrive at their own conclusions about faith and life. Some call this idea “soul freedom”. This conviction, simple on its face, has some profound implications.
Nobody at FBCR will tell you what to believe.
FBCR's organization structure is "bottom up".
Community is extremely important to us.
We take religious liberty seriously.
Join Us For Worship
At FBCR we hope to have a positive impact on the world around us. We strive toward social justice, we share our building and our resources with worthy partners, and we volunteer and serve around Rochester in myriad ways. We recognize though, that while changing the world for the better is of critical importance to us, we can only do that together. That’s why community is the foundation of everything we do. We worship together, serve together, learn together, grow together, play together from time to time, and we take care of each other – but don’t take our word for it.
Fully Inclusive
We are a welcoming and affirming church. That means we not only welcome LGBTQI+ persons into every phase and aspect of church life, but we affirm their identities as made in the image of God.
We wish such statements didn’t need to be made. We wish that full inclusion of all people and affirmation of people of all genders and sexualities were simply the norm and able to be taken for granted. Because they are not we will continue to proclaim God’s love of all people with PRIDE!
Overfilling Love Spilling Out
In a poem near to the heart of our faith tradition (23rd Psalm) the writer describes God’s provision, care, and love as a cup overflowing. That’s how we imagine our church family. We believe we are called to be the presence of God’s love in the world, but we are equipped and empowered to do so through the power of our togetherness. We see our congregation as a chalice being filled with the love and provision of God through our commitment to caring for one another. This love, we pray, will be so rich and so abundant that our congregation will not be able to contain it and it will come spilling out on the world around. It all starts with our love and care for one another.
Sharing the love of God among those within the FBC community would give us purpose enough to exist, but we feel that God has called us to more. Our central purpose is to be a redemptive presence within the world. We can’t do that from within the four walls on our campus. We strive to be present and helpful in Rochester and beyond by championing the causes of justice, peace, and equality.
in the last decade
to partners in Rochester,
in the US, and
around the world.
How We Care for One Another
Chalice Team
Intentional Fellowship
Pastoral Celebrations
- Weddings (Yes, LGBTQIA+ weddings too!)
- Vow Renewal Ceremonies
- Baby Dedications
- Baptisms
- Funerals/Celebrations of Life
- Blessings (New home, new ventures, pet, etc)
Contact our staff to get more information on use of facilities or pastoral presence for upcoming celebrations.
Pastoral Care
- Major life changes
- Trauma/Crises
- Loss
- Relationship Issues
- Identity Questions
- Theological Conundrums
- Moments of High Anxiety
- Medical Diagnoses & Treatment
- Any other concern
We have comfortable, confidential places to chat on campus. If you need or prefer another location our pastor may be able to meet you elsewhere.
Contact our pastor to schedule an appointment.