Welcome to information on the mission and ministry of the our community.
Cantata Preview Sunday, December 15, 2024
Want a sneak peak at Sunday's Cantata? You will be treated to this original work, composed by Henry Griffin, First Rochester's music director and performed by Naomi Chad, soprano; Xiaoge...
Pageant 2024
Children-led Worship with Pageant Join us on Sunday, December 8 as our children will lead us in worship and present to the congregation the Pageant: A Very Mixed-Up Christmas...
Post-Pageant Pizza Party
Sign up by end of day today! December 7 | We will have a pizza party following worship and the pageant on Sunday, December 8. Please sign up for pizza so we can make sure we have enough for...
Remembrance Poinsettias We are taking your orders for poinsettias in memory or honor of someone special in your life. They will also help us brighten the sanctuary with color for the...
Giving Tree
Giving Tree The Giving Tree will be placed on November 24 during the Hanging of the Greens. To decorate the tree, please remember to give generously your gifts of hats, gloves, mittens, and...
Sign up today | Harvest Meal | Following worship 11/17 We hope you will join us for a special Harvest Meal prepared and hosted by the OWLS (Older Wiser Learning Seniors). Please sign up...
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Food Drive To Benefit Pittsford Food Cupboard Clients | At First Rochester, we will collect your food items on Sunday, November 13 through Sunday, November 17 for the Clients of the...
Bell Ringing Begins
Wednesday, October 30 | 7:15 PM | Do you enjoy music but are not wanting to sing in the choir or play an instrument? Can you keep rhythm and count? Being part of the Bell Choir may be...
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Sunday, November 2 | 2:00 AM | Before you retire to sleep on Saturday, November 2, remember to turn back your clocks to mark the end of Daylight Saving Time. This is also a great time to...
Jazz ‘N Jeans Sunday
Sunday, October 27 | 9:45 AM Jazz Opening | Join us for this uplifting service as the John Nyegers Quartet infuses the sounds of jazz into our worship service. This Quartet is always...
Mid-Week Meditation Worship
Mid-Week Meditation Worship | Each Wednesday - October 2 to December 18 | Our Mid-Week Meditation begin on Wednesday, October 2. Each Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM, we will hold a meditative...
OWLS October
October 2024 Schedule | Each month our OWLS program (Older Wiser Learning Seniors) meets in the church for chair exercise, a meal, and a program. Beginning at 11:30 AM with chair exercise...